Friday, January 21, 2011

Enjoy LIfe!

Heard on the street:

"In your forties you try not to be obnoxious or annoying.  In your fifties you kind of enjoy it!

I like that one!  Agree?  Let me hear all the opinions of my friends in their fifties!!!!


  1. I'm still in my forties (barely) but I think that being annoying sometimes once I hit the half century mark could be fun. We've earned it! Of course, my teenage daughter probably thinks I'm deliberately annoying already!

  2. You didn't mention embarrassing her. How many times have you told her that's your job? It's not the first time and won't be the last! We HAVE earned the right to be annoying sometimes!

  3. I've told my daughter many times that I have years of experience on her in the how to embarrass/annoy someone department so if she wants to push my buttons, she gets what she gets!
