Psalms 55:18,19 and 22
"Though the tide of battle runs strongly against me, for so many are fighting me, yet He will rescue me. God Himself—God from everlasting ages past— will answer them!" v. 22 "Give your burdens to the Lord. He will carry them." (paraphrased from The Living Bible)
Have you ever felt like there is a battle raging against you? Your kids are doing everything in their power to push your buttons and they are hostile because you are "making up rules as you go." Your husband is looking at you as if you had three heads. And those are the people you love! You may be overwhelmed with deadlines and saddled with heavy expectations. Or, like David, trapped on every side by people and situations you can't control, you have very few options in life.
The author, King David, was a warrior familiar with bloodshed, and he was in great distress when he penned this psalm. He wrote it after his beloved son, Absalom, and one of David's closest aides initiated a rebellion to take over the throne. David's only option was to run while Absalom and his army followed in hot pursuit. Rebellious children are still one of hardest burdens to bear, but David's son was out for blood.
David cries that "so many are against me." Who are WE fighting?—Satan. He launches deep conflicts within us, making us doubt ourselves.
* Are we doing enough to please those we care about? What is enough?
* Are we good enough? We compare ourselves to other people. Why can't we finish that project at work and have a home-cooked meal on the table like other working moms? Why can't we paint the whole house and find time to do crafts with our kids like other stay-at-home moms? Satan inflicts us with low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. We mumble, "I don't care anymore."
* Am I doing it right? Guilt sucks the joy out of life and leads to depression. To be honest, of course you're not doing it right! No one does it right! Everyone makes the wrong decisions now and then in the heat of the battle. We should've taken time to listen to the rambling details of our child's day. We should've been more sensitive to our husbands. We need to ask God to release us from the guilt, apologize, learn from it and move on.
* What is my purpose? All I am is a maid, cook and chauffeur. No one appreciates me. What will I do when the kids are gone? Do I really have any talents? We complain, "I'm just going through the motions."
Satan knows that if he can steal our self-esteem, he can kill our motivation and then destroy our faith.
But there's hope. He exclaims, "yet God, himself, will rescue me!" God, not legions of angels or saints, but God, himself, will rescue us from Satan's clutches. He may not change our situation, but He will give us strength to withstand the pressure and keep our hearts at peace. God, Himself, is holding our right hand, loving and guiding us every step of our path. God's strong hand encircles yours as you face the battles in your life. He will never let you go.
Ps. 73:23,24 "But even so, you love me! You are holding my right hand! You will keep on guiding me all my life with your wisdom and counsel.." (Paraphrased from the Living Bible.)